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2 Peter 1: 5-6 “And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness.” more
Stockton Teacher: Jonathan Schott more
As a fun way to spend an afternoon together, I met three of my girlfriends at a movie theatre out of town. Before I left, I made sure I had the correct name of the cinema and directions. When I pulled into the parking lot, the theatre had a different name from the one I’d been given. So I thought perhaps there were two cinemas close together, and I began slowly driving around the area. I decided to return and that’s when I saw the girls getting out of their car. I found out that when the theatre changed its name, a new sign had never been installed. Strike one. When Charlene began to place her order at the snack bar, she sweetly asked, “Do you have Dr. Pepper?” “No.” “Do you have Mr. Pib?” “No.” Do you have Diet Coke?” “No.” “Do you have lemonade?” Finally, the concession worker answered in a toneless voice, “We have Diet Pepsi.” Strike two. more
Regardless of age or level of education, sometimes we think we know things only to find out we were wrong or knew only a fraction of the facts. That’s what happened last week when I discovered details about the human nose that blew my mind (and my nose). Since we’re at the beginning of cold and flu season, I’ll share a story that your nose knows, which perhaps you don’t. more
My Grandma always said, If it's worth doing, do it right; more
Have you got by with cheating most of your life; more
Have you heard the phrase “Mom Brain”? If you’ve been a pregnant woman or have been married or related to one, you’ve probably heard it, said it, or both. more
As I looked out my kitchen window one morning, I spotted that familiar lone dove that’s been around since 2021. Like me, I think she’s a female. Then I watched a small bird beat a worm to death before he ate it. (Silly me, I always thought worms were eaten alive.) Nature was happily doing its thing. Next, I spotted a hawk on the ground with a baby rabbit in its talons. I was not pleased with this nature scene. I thought, “How dare you snatch one of my furry little animals without my permission! You’re on my property and you do that! How rude!” more
It is one of the most exciting times of the year in Stockton, Black Walnut Festival weekend. I don’t know about you, but I am excited and looking forward to an incredible weekend full of fun, food, and fellowship. more
I actually had high hopes going into “Transformers One.” Not because I’m a big fan of the toys or really anything about the property, but because this movie promised to correct some of the mistakes made by its predecessors. Namely, I was excited that there wouldn’t be any live-action actors. For some reason, this franchise has never shied away from shoving human Shia LeBeouf or Mark Wahlberg characters down our throats when we all know it’s the giant robots that sell tickets. This time, no humans, all robots. Also, animated versions of previously-live-action franchises have been pleasing me lately. Both “Spider-Verse” movies are outstanding, and last year for the first time I found myself liking a “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” movie with “Mutant Mayhem.” Could “Transformers One” turn me around on another property that I had previously dismissed as a series of glorified toy commercials? Sadly, no. more
Migrating birds, colorful leaves, and cooler temperatures are some of the things people connect with autumn in Missouri. Everyone who plans to get in a car and drive somewhere in the weeks ahead needs to remember another well-known occurrence associated with fall in Missouri – deer crossing highways. more
A Liberty Utilities representative, Jackie Greife, met with the Stockton Board of Aldermen Monday night to share that 45 of the 47 city street lights have been repaired. The two remaining lights are in the process of receiving additional repairs. Greife assured the board that she would be the city's direct contact for any future streetlight repair needs. more
Cedar County Republican newspaper's general manager Melanie Chance will leave the newspaper on May 5 to become a marketing director for JCG. Chance, from Fair Play, has worked for CCR for four years, the last two as general manager. However, readers will hear from Melanie as a contracted columnist of Chance's Chatter, and she will be covering some larger events. The transition has been in the making since February, when Gayman discussed a new position in the company as marketing director. When Chance finally decided, she gave Deanna Moore, publisher, and Phillips Media a seven-week notice. Since her decision, she has been doing small tasks toward her marketing position while serving as the paper's GM. more
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